Documentary Production

I oversaw the production of a series of documentaries to launch the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority in Kenya.


Documentary Production






Project Role Project management
Motion graphics production
Script writing
Client relations
Project Description

The aim of the documentary was to explain the functions and procedures of UFAA to the public as well as inform all relevant stakeholders of their obligations to the Authority.
I used a combination of interviews, motion graphics and stock footage to put the message across in an easy to understand manner.
I was the producer of this documentary and this entailed responsibility for overall qualtiy control, script writing and conceptualization as well as coordination of the production contractors, interviewees and filming locations. I also designed the motion graphics and animations.
In addition to this, I was the main point of contact with the Authority, I attended pitch and strategy meetings and presented the final documentary to the board of UFAA.
I coordinated media buying for the airing of the production and negotiated rates for airtime on TV stations.

Video Link Click Here